Brave Girl: Clara and the Shirtwaist Makers' Strike of 1909

Author(s) Michelle Markel
Illustrator(s) Melissa Sweet
Age Group 5-8
Publisher Balzer and Bray
ISBN 978-0061804427
Year 2017
Brave Girl book cover

This book tells the true story of Clara Lemlich, a young Jewish, Ukrainian immigrant who led the largest strike of women workers in U.S. history. When Clara arrived in the U.S., she couldn't speak English. She didn't know that young women had to go to work and that they traded an education for long hours of labor. Fed up with the mistreatment of her fellow laborers, Clara led the largest walkout of women workers the country had seen. From her short time in the U.S., Clara learned that everyone deserved a fair chance and that you had to stand together and fight for what you wanted.

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