Partnering with Law Enforcement

A description of the standard modules and approximate times follows.

Violent Extremism 101 Modules

  • What is Violent Extremism? (15-20 minutes): Definitions of key terms and concepts related to extremism. 
  • Impact of Violent Extremism (10-15 minutes): Discussion of the impact of violent extremism on individuals and communities. 
  • Trends in Violent Extremism (10-20 minutes): Data-driven presentation and discussion of trends in extremist violence. 
  • Recognizing Violent Extremism (20-30 minutes): Framework of indicators to aid in assessing the threat level of a potential subject. 
  • Addressing Violent Extremism (15-20 minutes): Discussion on importance of partnerships and accurate data in preparing to address violent extremist threats, and strategies for collaboration. 
  • Simulation Exercise (20-30 minutes): Scenario-based exercise to correctly identify indicators of progression towards violent extremism. 

Introduction to Hate Crimes Modules

  • Elements of a Hate Crimes (20-25 minutes): Definition and key elements of a hate crimes, legal framework, and common myths and misperceptions about hate crimes. Scenario-based exercises to analyze actions and behaviors through the lens of bias. 
  • Indicators and Interviews (40-45 minutes): Indicators one might see that suggest a crime could be bias-motivated. Scenario-based exercises to practice and refine ability to identify and investigate hate crimes through victim and witness interviews. 
  • Overcoming Barriers to Reporting (15 minutes): Hate crimes data, the importance of reporting hate crimes, and overcoming barriers to victim and law enforcement reporting. The majority of this module is organized as an interactive quiz. 
  • Impact of Hate Crimes (5-10 minutes): Effects of hate crimes on individuals and communities. 
  • Scenario Practice (10-30 minutes): Exercises to practice and hone the ability to identify and investigate hate crimes. Scenarios may be adjusted/customized to a particular workshop audience. 

Inclusive Policing Modules

  • Identity Word Cloud (10 minutes): Introduction of the concept of “identity” and its relevance to conversations about trust, legitimacy, and collaboration among police and groups within communities. 
  • History, Trust & Legitimacy (45 minutes): Impact of generational and vicarious trauma on relationships with communities served by law enforcement. Includes a discussion-based activity. 
  • Trust-Building Icebreaker (15minutes): Discussion-based exercise on trust-building and all of the challenges implied. 
  • Defining Trust & Legitimacy (40 minutes): Key principles of trust-building and how they relate to law enforcement operations. Includes a discussion-based activity. 
  • Inclusive Policing Framework (35 minutes): Discussion of alternate approaches to traditional police operations concerning community engagement, organizational health, problem-solving, and public outreach. 
  • IP, Leadership, & Dialogue (10 minutes): Appreciation for the responsibility that accompanies law enforcement’s role as leaders within the community. 
  • Bridging the Gap (10 minutes): Scenario-based exercise to strengthen capacity to engage in effective constructive dialogue and address pushback. 

Inclusive Policing for Leaders Modules

  • Identity Word Cloud (10 minutes): Introduction of the concept of “identity” and its relevance to conversations about trust, legitimacy, and collaboration among police and groups within communities. 
  • History, Trust & Legitimacy (50 minutes): Impact of generational and vicarious trauma on relationships with communities served by law enforcement. Includes a discussion-based activity where leaders explore responsibilities in helping those they supervise, manage or train gain appreciation for the importance of viewing trust & legitimacy through a historical trauma lens. 
  • Trust-Building Icebreaker (15 minutes): Discussion-based exercise on trust-building and all of the challenges implied. 
  • Trust & Legitimacy (65 minutes): Key principles of trust-building and how they relate to law enforcement operations. Includes a discussion-based activity. 
  • Inclusive Policing Framework (35 minutes): Discussion of alternate approaches to traditional police operations concerning community engagement, organizational health, problem-solving, and public outreach. 
  • IP and Composition, Training, & Retention (45 minutes): Best practices related to recruiting, retaining, training, and elevating diversity within law enforcement organizations. 
  • IP, Leadership, & Dialogue (40 minutes): Discussion to strengthen the capacity for leaders to engage in effective, constructive dialogue and address pushback. Includes a scenario-based exercise. 
  • IP Leadership & Resilience (20 minutes): Conversation about resilience in a community, so that law enforcement executives can address crises related to law enforcement-community relations. 

For more information, please contact