Protect Civil Rights

ADL has long fought in the U.S. and abroad to advance LGBTQ+ equity, encouraging legislation that protects individuals’ rights and providing education resources that make schools, workplaces and communities more welcoming and inclusive.

Advocate in the Courts and Legislatures

We monitor and speak out against challenges to LGBTQ+ rights and have filed or joined many briefs encouraging courts to end discrimination and eliminate barriers to full inclusion in society. Our amicus brief in the landmark U.S. Supreme Court case Obergefell v. Hodges added to the successful call for marriage equality. Our support has helped defeat legislation that sought to deny infertility treatment based on sexual orientation and to block transgender people from serving in the military.

ADL also advocates for legislation that protects LGBTQ+ people from discrimination, including the Equality Act. We played a leading role in securing enactment of the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act (HCPA) in October 2009 – the first time gender identity was included in a federal civil rights law.

Track Online Hate

We track and report on anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric online and offline, including that of lawmakers who have introduced and enacted legislation targeting transgender people, especially youth.