Protect Civil Rights

We believe that the best way to protect religious liberty is to keep government out of religion and religion out of government. ADL safeguards religious freedom for all Americans by protecting the separation of church and state mandated by the First Amendment. 

Advocate in the Legislatures and Courts

ADL has filed or joined an amicus brief in nearly every major religious freedom case before the U.S. Supreme Court since 1948 and countless cases in other courts.  We also tirelessly advocate in Congress and state legislatures for laws prohibiting religious discrimination and providing appropriate accommodations to the religiously observant. We forcefully oppose measures that would indoctrinate or coerce religion in our nation’s public schools.

Speak Out to Uphold Religious Liberty

ADL staunchly believes that the Constitution’s guarantee of religious liberty is a shield for faith, not a sword to discriminate.  We speak out, testify and file or join legal briefs when this liberty is not being upheld.