Hate Symbol

Identitarian Lambda

Hate on Display / Identitarian Lambda

The Identitarian lambda is a symbol used by individuals and groups who identify themselves with Identitarianism, a racist, anti-Muslim and anti-immigrant movement that originated in France and spread to other countries in Europe and, eventually, the United States. Identitarianism is roughly analogous to the alt right segment of the white supremacist movement in the United States.

Some European Identitarians, such as the group Generation Identity/Génération Identitaire, which has chapters in several western European countries, adopted the Greek letter lambda (ʌ) as a symbol.  Ancient Spartans displayed the letter on their shields at the Battle of Thermopylae in the 5th century B.C (it stood for Lacedaemon, another name for Sparta).  White supremacists and other western chauvinists in the United States and Europe place considerable symbolic significance on this ancient battle between the Greeks and Persians, which they view as the defense of Europe from an alien invasion from the Middle East. The group Generation Identity has claimed that the top of the lambda stands for “the metapolitical centre that we want to conquer, with the Identitarian movement as the spearhead.”

As displayed by Identitarians, the lambda is usually encased in a circle.  Identitarian lambda flags are typically black on yellow or yellow on black. However, other color combinations are also used. Though the symbol originated in Europe, Identitarian lambda flags are sold in the United States, especially through online sellers.

The Identitarian lambda emblem bears a superficial similarity to the logo of Overwatch, a popular video game; the two should not be confused because the Overwatch game (and its logo) have no connection to white supremacy.

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Identitarian Lambda
Identitarian Lambda
Identitarian Lambda
Identitarian Lambda
Identitarian Lambda