Airman 1st Class Kaylee Dubois, photographer
For parents, families and young people
In recent years, there has been a lot of attention paid to the diversity of children’s books, shining a light on the lack of diversity and amplifying the need for more children’s and young adult literature that reflects our multicultural society. In 2014, an organization named We Need Diverse Books formed, following a regularly trending hashtag with the same name (#WeNeedDiverseBooks) that helped bring attention to the issue. We Need Diverse Books advocates for changes in the publishing industry “to produce and promote literature that reflects and honors the lives of all young people.”
In 2015, an 11-year-old Black girl named Marley Dias brought further awareness of the issue by launching the #1000BlackGirlBooks campaign, highlighting the lack of kids’ books with Black characters. Marley is an avid reader but according to her, was tired of all the books she was given to read at school because they were all about “white boys and their dogs.” She set out to change that and started her campaign to collect and donate 1,000 books that feature black girls as the main character. Marley has collected over 13,000 books to date. In 2018, she wrote her own book, Marley Dias Gets It Done: And So Can You!
Often, when educators and others talk about diverse children’s literature, they use the terms “mirrors” and “windows.” A mirror is a surface that forms reflections and when you look into one, you see yourself. Hence, “mirror books” are books that contain reflections of people—their race, culture, gender family, religion, etc.—and enable people to see themselves in books in a variety of ways. Reading books about your own identity group(s) can help people feel good about those parts of themselves. A window is an opening where you can look outside. Hence, “window books” show the people reading them a window into other people, events and places that they might be unfamiliar with. Window books help to expose children to different kinds of people.
The Cooperative Children’s Book Center (CCBC) compiles annual data about the diversity of children’s literature and their statistics indicate improvements in recent years; however there is still progress to be made. The number of diverse books being published each year remained steadily low for more than two decades. However, in 2014 it began increasing noticeably, which could be due in part to the We Need Diverse Books movement. In 2022, the CCBC reported that some positive trends. In 2022, 40% of the books reviewed by CCBC were by a person of color, having at least one creator (author, illustrator or compiler) who is a person of color.
7 and up
(See the Additional Resources section for articles and information that address these questions.)
Ask: What can we do to help? What individual and group actions can help make a difference?